Saturday, May 05, 2007

Last night I went to see Over the Rhine, a band I really like. They sounded soooo amazing and if I believed in reincarnation, I'd want to come back as the lead singer, Karin. What a voice.

Over the Rhine gets their name from a really poor neighborhood in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was actually lost there once when I lived near there. It was scary.

Anyways, today I was working at Starbucks and this really beautiful woman and all these cool looking men came in. I kept doing double takes and then I realized....I was about to serve Over the Rhine their coffee! Yes!

I told them that I saw them in concert last night and then I started gushing about how great it was and, basically, I got pretty stupid. One of the band members asked if I was one of the people they talked to after the show and I said, "No, but I would have loved it." I cringe thinking back. Then, I started ignoring the other customers and the band was talking and everything went chaotic. So, I got even more flustered and inwardly told myself to "take deep breaths." I tried to get someone banana loaf, but my hands were shaky and I couldn't get the loaf apart. In the chaos I created, the drummer knocked over three CDs and went rushing out of the store. Sigh. I can't believe I was starstruck! I had no idea I could be so dorky.

That's my story. Even though I was embarrassed about my goofiness, it was fun to serve one of my fave bands their coffee. Who gets to do that?

I hope you're having a good day! Thanks for letting me tell my story. It was therapeutic.


Anonymous said...

Yes! first comment...
Now I think I'll read the actual post lol

Anonymous said...

That was a cool post
The only time I remember getting that shaky and flustered was when I recked my friend's four-wheeler
I drove it straight into a tree :)

Anonymous said...