Sunday, May 18, 2008

The only thing that counts.

Hey, Friends. On Friday, we celebrated the 8th graders that are moving on to tha porch. This is always a sad thing for me because I hate to say goodbye to the 8th grade girls I've grown close to. Change is hard. When you move into high school, you really start to define who you are and, as Todd said on Friday, the world will pull you a hundred different directions and try to make you something other than what God wants. Be popular. Be thinner. Be a jock. Loosen up. Date more people. Drink with us.

Here's an easy verse that change the way I live: "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." (Galations 5:6) This is what pleases God and this is the best way to live. It is certainly the most rewarding. So, when you feel the pressure to lose a few pounds or lose the nerdy friend that follows you around, remember what really counts: faith expressed in love. Ask God to show you what that looks like in your life and enjoy the benefits of living for Him.

1 comment:

KssGodchild said...

Really good post Jill!