Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hollywood and Jesus

What is the last movie you saw? Did you notice any spiritual themes? Today, at Edge, we finished watching the movie Martian Child and we talked about how the movie has a great theme of a father's unconditional love of his adopted child. The theme helps us see a glimpse of the unconditional love of our heavenly Father. My favorite part is when the father has him and his adopted son smashing dishes on the ground to prove the point that there is nothing he can do to lose his love. That is exactly how God is with us. Jesus Christ took the punishment for our sins so that by the grace of God, we are saved. There are all kinds of movies out there that have these themes in them and I encourage all of you to look for them. We love movies that have themes of forgiveness, redemption, and sacrifice...that is why Hollywood makes them. If we just look, we will find that even the movies give us a glimpse of our God. What movies have you seen that have those themes? Watch for it...


Anonymous said...

i love tht movie!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed watching this movie at Edge, Todd. It might not've directly mentioned Christ, or maybe they didn't know it when they made it, but it had some themes relating to how God loves us all in it. You should do it again some other time with another movie!