Saturday, June 02, 2007

Yard Work

Today, I worked in my yard (please kids, don't try this at home), weeding, planting, bulldozing, and stuff like that. I don't always like working on that stuff cause it is hard and it is hot outside, but when I see that our yard looks nice afterwards, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I feel good about myself. Our yard looked bad because it had a lot of weeds and it needed a lot of work, and the only way to make it look good was to work on it. I think that is the same with our lives as believers and followers of Christ. We desperately want to look a certain way. We want other people to like us. We want God to be proud of us. We want to be a workmen who do not need to be ashamed because he is one approved by God (2 Timothy 3:15). However, it takes work. We have to put time in to improving our relationship with Christ. We have to work at it. All relationships take work. What are you doing to improve your relationship with Christ? God has done his part and still is doing his part, but what are you doing? There is a good challenge for us today.


Anonymous said...

i like bulldozers

Anonymous said...

I agree with shorty here, bulldozers are SWEET


Anonymous said...

who dosent like bulldozers they can destroy something with one blow

go cavs you rock my sox

Anonymous said...

bulldozers are pretty cool

Anonymous said...

why are there no new posts this one has been up for a while?????