Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I could not bare to watch the Cavs lose last night. I had this horrible feeling after they lost. I couldn't believe it. You should have seen me watching this game. I was on the floor and on my knees and jumping up and down. It was probably pretty funny to watch, but that is how into this game I was. I started thinking about the things that I get passionate about in life such as the Cleveland Cavs in the NBA Finals and other things that are not eternal. Than I started thinking how I don't even always get on my knees for God. I don't always jump up and down over the joy that comes from the salvation I have in Christ. That really hit me. What do you get passionate about and how does that compare with your passion for Christ? There is a thought for the day and a lesson I learned.


Anonymous said...

poor cavs my parent and brothers were all screaming and watching the game(im not in to watching b ball)

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty scary thought about being more exited for sports or something else more than GOD.
It's not necessarily that I'm more "passionate" about this but I'm usually more concerned with pleasing my friends than I am with pleasing GOD.

Anonymous said...

depressing game

Anonymous said...

the ref blew the game. with like 5 seconds left, lebron got fouled on his 3- pointer but the ref didnt call it. lebron could have made the 3 foul shots and we wouldve gone in2 OT. this stinks. boohoo. but it didnt help that we made only like 3 3-pointers the entire game. i have no more comments about this game.

Anonymous said...

yes i do. CAVS STILL RULE!!!!!!!!