Saturday, April 28, 2007

Well, hello there! I just ran outside and my fingers are so cold, it's hard to type. But for you, I'm going to press on through the struggle, just so you'll have something to read. It's just the kind of person I am. (Kidding.)

So, I'm moving this weekend. Moving is definitely old hat for me at this point because I haven't lived in the same place for more than a year in the past six years. I'm basically a pro. Moving this much makes me really thankful for my parents' house. It's like my home base. Somewhere where I can definitely relax and somewhere that I can go to get some peace. This is a picture of some of the gardens at my parents' house. You can see why it would be a good place to rest.

We live in a really fast-paced world that can make it hard to get away and rest. But do you know that Jesus often went away from the crowds and His friends to be with God? It's true. Jesus was the Son of God, but even He would sometimes get up early to go and pray. I love the picture of Jesus waking up while the world is still asleep and quietly making His way to the garden to talk with His Father. I want to be more like Jesus, and that means being committed to time in prayer and just resting in God's presence. Try to do that this week. I promise it won't be a waste of your time!


Anonymous said...

cool post.

posts rox my sox!

Anonymous said...

cool post and a nice garden as well

Anonymous said...

I really agree with you Jillian
about our fast-moving-world

I enjoy my time at the end of the day when I pray and spend time with GOD I feel so refreshed and ready go where GOD puts me

Anonymous said...

Hey Jill! I've moved twice(from Texas; well not actually from there but yea....I think you get what I mean..)That's a really cool photo. I would like to wander around that garden....

4th comment! Woo!