Thursday, August 09, 2007

This Sunday!

Don't miss Edge this Sunday if you will be in town! We only have 2 weeks left until we say goodbye to the freshman. So in light of that, we are going to be talking about "Living Life on Purpose." Do you ever wake up in the morning with no purpose and or no real reason for living? It happens, so we are going to go back to the basics and talk about why God has placed us on this earth. See you there.



Anonymous said...

i'm sad. i've gotten to know a lot of the incoming freshman really well at doe river and now they're all leaving. sigh.

Anonymous said...

darn cant be there tomorrow im still on vacation we are getting home tomorrow and we wont be home in time we went to north caroline on the outer banks in a house called black beards treasure it was so cool so ill have to have my friend fill me in on what i miss we are in a hotel right now and its pretty late but vacation was fun know-one got hurt except the last day when i got stung by a jelly fish it stung me from my knee all the way down to my foot my cousin also got stung but only in a little place on the back of her leg ok this could probably be the longest comment ever i guess i better stop if i told you all the things that happened i would be typing all night and you would be reading for days so ttfn my fellow commenters see you next sunday : ) : ) : )

Anonymous said...

wow didnt really notice how long it really was