Sunday, August 03, 2008

Leadertreks Mission Trip

If you were at Edge this morning then you heard all about our trip to Kentucky this past week. It was a great week with so many great things that God did IN and THROUGH students. "IN" meaning that God challenged students through his word and they grew. They learned how to love and how to serve and how to be a team. "THROUGH" meaning that students this past week were used to change the world. They saw the bigger picture of God's kingdom and realized that they don't have to wait until their an adult to make a difference. They were also used to love kids with the love of Christ through VBS.

One of our devotions one morning on the trip was from Luke 14:25-35 and it talks all about the cost of following Christ. I encourage you to read it if you have the chance. Following Christ isn't easy and it isn't safe, but it is the most amazing thing anyone could do. The students on this trip this week got a glimpse of it. I am so proud of our team and so pumped to see their excitement about Jesus and serving him with their lives!


Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm so glad that u guys had a great time there i wish i could of been there. I am also glad that the people who were there were able to share the love of god to other kids who may or may not know him. And I also hope everyone who was there had a wonderful time and for those who were not there might have the chance to go next year. Cuz im really hoping i can go next year.

Anonymous said...

i did a devotion earlier today and it was talking about how simon was out catching fish and jesus came along. jesus said to simon "lower you fishing nets". simon didn't think anything good would come out of it, but he obeyed jesus and did as he was told. the nets got soo full that they started breaking. simon told jesus to back away for he was too great of a sinner to be in jesus' presence. but jesus said " do not be afraid; from now on you will catch men." i was so confused at what that meant until i asked my dad. it means from then on he would be a disciple for jesus and witness him to others to reel them into Him. that's what we did this week. we caught people and reeled them into God. i hope we made an impact, because christians can save people for eternity like ben said in an earlier post. and that to me is amazing.

Anonymous said...

that trip was so was so awesome and life changing...i really...really...loved it..I got to touch people lives and work for this amazing family..and even though most odf the time i was hot, and sweaty, and tired...i felt amazing...there no way to describe the feeling i had while working on the stone path and deck...

the most amazing thing was i went on the trip with strangers, and came back part of this family, with an unbreakable bond...

im so glad God led me to that trip...

Anonymous said...

My sister, Suzanna went on that trip to Kentucky! She said it was life changing, amazing, awesome and totally FUN! I wish I would've gone! D: But I am too young. I'm not in Edge yet. Next year though I will be! LOL