Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Late Night: Part 4

Alright, 3 days from the main event! I hope everyone is getting ready! Time Machine flyers are going out, the word is getting out, and people all of the world (ok maybe northeast Ohio...ok maybe Hudson) are going crazy over the Late Night. Today's Late Night highlight is simple, but so very good. Did you know that there will be fire pits where you can toast your very marshmallows and make s'mores? Oh yes, right at the late night. So come with an appetite because that's just one of the dessert options for the night.

Invite some friends from school tomorrow! It will be great. You can send them right to the blog for details.


Anonymous said...

ohh fun.. who doesn't like smores??....can't wait!!!!! soo excited!

Anonymous said...

haha i can't wait!!!

yea maggie, i think everyone likes smores! haha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i can't can't go, i'll be in canada... sorry!!!!!!!!

HOPE YOU HAVE FUN(I HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY BEEN TO on before... and I never will, i guess)always been busy