Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Keeping Track of Edge

Ever wonder what's coming up at edge, but can't get to the blog?

Well now you can get SMS(text)** updates about edge on your mobile phone and IM!!

All you have to do is text:

follow edgehcc

to 40404

you'll get a message back asking for your name... just send that back and you're up and running!

you'll receive text messages from us about the latest news and happenings at edge!

isn't it great to be informed?

**this costs the same as normal texting, so make sure you GET YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION before doing ANYTHING!! (but it's a cool thing. THEY might want to follow edge as well :) )

you can also see the updates on the sidebar --->
or visit
Todd, Jonathan, and Jillian all twitter too! their twitter names are:
toddiannetta , jclaytor , jillianstouffer


Anonymous said...

omj! i can tell my friends this, and then they'll get updated! wow, this is a great outreach!

Anonymous said...

I have one of these already for my other church but this will be cool to have too!