Saturday, December 02, 2006

After thoughts

Hey guys! It was great to see you at Edge last night. I hope you all had a good time. Let me know what you thought of the stations. Which one was your favorite?

Also, we are officially done with our series on "Number 2." I hope all of you will take your challenge from last night and try to love those who are the hardest to the unlovable. Remember John Merrick, elephant man.
Remember to put your official number 2 tile somewhere so it will remind you to "love your neighbor as yourself" even the unlovable.

Have an awesome weekend and I will see you Sunday!


Anonymous said...

hey todd,
i had a great time last night. i thought the blended up happy meal look sweet. think of it as the future of fastfood. i liked the offical #2 tiles, and i have mine in my room.

P.S. todd,
here is the link 2 that sweet penalty kick.

it is really funny.

Anonymous said...

that video is a whole 4 seconds of funny!

Anonymous said...

yo todd, i had a blast last night! i wish we could do that all the time. it was a mixture of grossness, action, fun, and for most people violence.i'll make sure that #2 tile will go somewhere noticable so i will always remember. i think it had a great lesson that can help everyone in life. that elephant-man clip was kinda disturbing but fit the lesson well. i just had MsD's, but i would never eat the mixture last night. I guess last night was just overall AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

i thought yesterday was awesome! we should do stuff like that more often.

Anonymous said...

That was sweet!! I liked the newspaper and gum. The gum was gross but I liked it. My hands were soooooooooooooooooooo sticky!!
It was awesome todd, great job!!!

Anonymous said...

fun fun

Anonymous said...

I thought that was really cool; a very good idea. The only bad part about was I never saw some people I was looking forward to seeing... Anyway, that dude in the movie was really scary.

Anonymous said...

Oh yah,
I agree w/ christian. I met up with a friend @ the beggining who doesn't come usually and i wasn't w/ her. I was in a different group so I barley saw her. But the night was still fantabulous!!!

Todd Iannetta said...

Glad you guys had a great night! Adam, the penalty kick video is funny! Thanks for your feedback. I love you guys!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

darn! Tht's the second time i published acomment twice!

Anonymous said...

We had lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

it was ok...yeah that fits it

Unknown said...

Okay, That was a great story but a freaky main character

Anonymous said...

Hey every one should check out the older and really older post somtime to! I think they are still great even iff there not on the 1st page of this blog. Just go all the way to the bottam and click on OLDER POSTS. There great!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to go to edge bc we were doing this family thing :( but it sounds like it was a lot of fun!!! the whole elephant man thing is really sad :*( but it is a good example

PS. that is a really funny video :) hahahaha
PPS the older boards ARE really good...the first one is my favorite!!! :) ur awesome todd :)

Anonymous said...

the stations were awsome and the video was really cool. I think you really got the message across well to me anyway.

Anonymous said...

Here,s a random cooment: Tooooooooooodd and everybody else of course! I just went to see the nativity last night and it was amazing. If Im right and I usually am(sweet wiseman line from the movie) it sticks almost always to the bible except whe the wise men see Jesus and when herod passes the baby killing law so that mary and joseph and jesus have to go to egypt. Everyone needs to go see it though there are a few parts that may be a bit frightning to those who don't take slaughter and scarry stuff to well. But its rated PG so most parents should allow it. AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST MOVIE IVE SEEN ALL YEAR MAYBE EVER.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

say hi to me at the edge christmas party!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

b-a-r-b-i-e B who U wanna be!...Im a barbie boy in a barbie woooorrrllldd!!! Its fantastic made of PLAAAASTIC!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love the elephant guy.

Anonymous said...

im a barbie boy too!!!

Anonymous said...

oooookkkkkkkkaaaaaayyyyy! really weird w/ the "barbie boy" thing. Wow! well anyway, just to say again edge was so sweet! Go Todd! You rock!

Anonymous said...

Hey I thought that those stations were C to the double O to the L (ok yeah that was lame)and I was originally thinking of stapeling the number 2 tile to my forhead but the stapels wouldent go threw so It's in my room...........P.s. (I'm really not stupid enough to try to put stapels threw tile it was just a joke so don't think I'm weird) moo

Anonymous said...

I am who??! You, Mr. "I am a barbie boy too," are an imposter!

Anonymous said...

I got a tile that Todd, the great Todd himself, touched! He used it as an example! I had to grab it right after he put it down!

Anonymous said...

heheheh hahahaha hehehehe hahahaha. I'm the REAL who??

Anonymous said...