Friday, November 28, 2008


I am thankful today...are you?

Yesterday was thanksgiving as you all know, and the typical thing to do is talk about what you are thankful for. Did anyone actually do this? I actually found myself not really being that thankful yesterday...i was lazy, i ate too much, watched too much tv, and was even kind of grumpy later in the day. I went to sleep that night, and realized how ungrateful I was that day.

Today, I am thankful...i spent time this morning thanking God for my wife, my house, warmth, and most of all, for Jesus. Have you done that yet? You will begin to change your attitude and your outlook on the life God has given you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

usually we go around the thanksgiving table and say what we are thankful for but we didnt this year! but nevertheless, (thats one word!), i did think about it!