Saturday, June 14, 2008

these hard times.

Yesterday evening, one of my brother's best friends died. He had a job as a bike courier in Cleveland and a truck hit him while he was working. And just like that, he was gone from us. After losing my friend Meredith a month a half ago, I can't explain to you the sadness I feel over this. I hate what Pat's family has to go through now and I hate that my brother has to grieve like this when he's only 21. So it seems that as the storm clouds moved in on Akron last night, they also moved in our lives again.

When I woke up this morning, I just laid there and thought about what I could possibly tell you on such a sad morning. And here it is: I can't do this life without Jesus. I just can't. I can't wake up and the face day and all the sadness it holds without Christ. I need to know that the God of the Universe loves me, that He has a plan for me, and that He has a plan for the world. I need to know that Pat is in heaven with the Jesus he loves. And I need to know that Christ is enough to get my brother Mike through the valley ahead. These are the truths that as Christ followers we must hold on to when things get tough.

Spend time with God today. Pray, read your Bible, and let God show you how much He loves you. You've got to start building a spiritual foundation in your heart so that when the storms of life come, you will stand strong.


Anonymous said...

Jesus is all we got. dont waste your time somewhere else

Anonymous said...

the rock
the foundation
the start of a family

Anonymous said...

more comments

Anonymous said...

u should see kon fu panda

it isnt the best movie but it had a good point

the main line of the movie
said "nothing is an accident"
we need to remember God has a purpose for everything.

p.s. two of the same name just makes it more confusing

Anonymous said...

I just to remind ou to sta as one
the only way we can bring others to christ is to show them what a family we are. if we act with love we can do anything.

someone else comment

Anonymous said...

luv is a verb
luv is what we do

Anonymous said...

well me, ben is gone for a week so someone is going to have to start commenting a lot......

see u next week

Anonymous said...

I felt really sad after reading this. I'll pray for your brother and Pat's family to get through these hard times.

Anonymous said...

That was a really great post. thank you for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

That was a really good post.