Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Edge Small Groups

An Edge small group is made up of about 6-10 middle school students of the same age and gender with one adult leader. Small groups are a great chance for students to grow and mature in their faith through group discussion, studying God's Word, answering the difficult questions, and praying together! The purpose of a small group is for students to grow in their faith and to connect with other students their age. It also gives them a chance to be mentored and discipled by an adult who loves Jesus Christ. Small groups meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month offsite in someone's home.

So, here is how a student gets involved with a small group. He or she first starts by coming to Edge on Friday nights (1st and 3rd of the month). Once he or she likes what is going on at Edge and is committed to it, the next step is small group. To be placed in a small group, please have your parents contact me at and tell me your name, your grade, your school, and 1 person (if you want) you would like to be in a group with. You will then be placed in a group if there are openings or be put on a waiting list to wait for the next group to start.

Currently, we have 22 small groups meeting and over 160 students involved with a small group. Our goal is to see every student in Edge to get hooked into a small group. Small groups are a place to deepen your faith, to ask questions, and to feel connected. Don't miss out on a great opportunity. Small group students are expected to remain committed to Edge on Friday nights.


steven j. said...

small groups are AWESOME i have been in one sence the start (i cant spell since too bad) so if ur not in one get in one...... NOW!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

small groups are so fun. patrick is the BEST SMALL GROUP LEADER EVER! (patrick is joy's husband.) first we talk and stuff and then we learn about god. we have snacks and pop of course. then we have fun and play video games or something for the last part. i am always waiting for the next one.

Anonymous said...

I want to have snacks, soda, and video games, but in girls' small groups, I don't think that's likely.
P.S.- Steven J, you spelled "since" right while you were saying you couldn't!

Anonymous said...

i have never seen steven or tom comment on any of the recent posts!