Sunday, October 22, 2006

A True Fan

I just got back from the Browns game. I will fully admit it. I am a diehard browns fan. The Browns are having a bad season. Bad might be an understatement. As a matter of fact, the last 6 seasons have been pretty bad, but I am still a fan. I love the Browns, and I will stay with them even if they keep losing because eventually, they will start winning. The funny thing is that there are tons of Browns fans out there just like me. They will watch every game and get just as mad with every loss. I think God is a lot like a Browns fan. He is our biggest fan and He loves us even though He knows we are going to mess up. Each time we make a mistake, He is disappointed, but He is going to stick with us. He will always be our biggest fan. As believers in Christ, we have to know that because God is on our side, and because we know Christ, we will eventually win in the end. Christ offers us that hope. The Browns are struggling right now, but I am not giving up on them, and even though you and I struggle every day, God WILL NOT give up on us! Isn't that awesome! In Hebrews 13:5, God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."


Anonymous said...

who is the fat guy in orange

Anonymous said...

Well, who is he/?????!!

Anonymous said...

on spring break today, i'm coming back to all these old posts! Todd, u probally won't read this but it's kinnda a strange connection between God and the browns!