Monday, February 11, 2008

Edge Games Videos Now Available Online!

Hey Everyone!

A lot of you have asked for them...and now, after some technological elbow grease, they're all online and available for you to enjoy anytime!

You can use these links or find them over on the sider bar--->

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3



Anonymous said...

yes, First comment again. That is four times in a row

Sherif said...

You are so cool Ben. Seriously.

I love the Videos! I hope there is one for the Ski/Splash weekend too, because that is going to be BALLER! I have already begun packing!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They won't load for me =( I want to see the week three one really badly!!

Anonymous said...

Saw all of my friends but I couldnt spot me

Anonymous said...

Those were awesome! Go URUGUAY!