It's monday again and its time for the comment of the week. With the Ski Splash Weekend coming in 2 weeks, everyone is getting pretty pumped for it including Maggie Keating who gave a great plug for the Ski Splash Weekend and a great offer to anyone who isn't going. By the way, this is the last call for anyone to sign up. Do it now! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! Congrats to Maggie on the comment of the week. Check it out...
maggie keating said...
went to ski/splash, loved ski/splash, am coming this year to ski/splash, and am stuffing NEone who isn't coming to ski/splash in a duffel bag, stowing them in the bottom of the bus, and bringing them to ski/spalsh!lol jk! But i really did love that weekend of pure fun!
Sat Feb 02, 08:31:00 PM
went to ski/splash, loved ski/splash, am coming this year to ski/splash, and am stuffing NEone who isn't coming to ski/splash in a duffel bag, stowing them in the bottom of the bus, and bringing them to ski/spalsh!lol jk! But i really did love that weekend of pure fun!
Sat Feb 02, 08:31:00 PM
Claim your prize this Friday night at Edge!
Ha ha, Maggie. Good Job!
Great job, Maggie! It sounds like fun; hopefully I can go next year! (once I learn to ski, though.)
Hey Mags!
I'm soooooooooo pumped to go to the ski/splash! Its my first year and I can't wait! Excited to Bunk!
good job maggie
hI people
i love edge, and i LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE!!! the edge games!
i can't wait untill the next edge!
hey u guys,
haven'y been to edge in awhile cuz right now I'm in WV visiting my fam, i miiiiissss u alll a-llloottt!!!!!!!hopefully I'll c ya next edge, by the way I know edge games r over but how did fiji go from 4th to 8th place, can anyone tell me?
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'mmmmmmmmmmmm booorrrrrrrredddddddddddddd!!!!!!c yyyyaaaaaaaaa lllllaaattttta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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