Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Late Night: Part 3

Ok guys, let's get serious here. We are only 5 days away from the big night! It's getting closer and I hope you are getting pumped. This night is going to rock your socks off! Keep inviting friends and remember, you could win Switchfoot tickets if you bring the most friends! Also, I wanted you to know that we are bringing back a classic this year. It's always a hit, and it's always larger than the life. You guessed it...it's the classic Iron Man obstacle course! It will not let you down. I know school is starting and that is a bummer for some, but get pumped because the Late Night is right around the corner!


Anonymous said...

Spam? :\

Can't wait!! Late Night's gonna rock!

Anonymous said...

hahah what are all those comments??

late night will be amazing!!!