Do you mind if I selfishly use this blog to vent about something? I find that talking about things that are bothering me is extremely therapeutic. And, since I'm alone in my office in the basement of the church, I only have you to talk to.
Recently, I would say in the past year and a half, I've found myself blushing if I experience any sort of awkward or embarrassing situation. Actually, it only has to be mildly uncomfortable, and I can feel my face turning bright red. This never used to happen. I felt so blessed that my discomfort didn't manifest itself by turning my face into a cherry tomato. Alas, now all you have to do is tell me there's a piece of lint on my shirt and my cheeks start to burn. Not only my face is affected, though. I get so warm! The weird part is, I won't even know I'm embarrassed and someone will mention it and then I grow redder. Sigh.
I'm so embarrassed about being embarrassed.
As usual, I think this can be turned into a quick spiritual tidbit to feed your soul. If I could give myself some advice, I'd say, "Get over yourself." My embarrassment comes from caring what people think of me. Not only that, but it must also stem from something deep inside of me that thinks there's something cool about me in the first place. What I mean is, if I know I'm just like everybody else, that I'm kind of a goof a lot of the time, and that's okay, it wouldn't matter when I do something stupid. If I had a true humility that understood how great God is and how little I am, it would be like, "Hey, I'm human. It happens." But instead, pride comes into play, and I care that my cover is blown and people see me for what I am.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
That's soooo embarrassing!
Did I take that too far? I think you can be humble and a really balanced person and still get embarrassed at times. But I think when we see ourselves for what we are - just people who are a kind of goofy and loved by God - the little embarrassing things don't matter so much.
Proverbs 11:2 "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."
Posted by
Jillian Stouffer
11:01 AM
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1st comment! YEs!!!!! :)
Jill, It's Ok. I can do a LOT of embarresing stuff (and embarress friends...that's kinda fun ;)...haha) It's peoples nature...:) :) It's ok to be emmbaressed...don't be embaressed about it. A lot of time when i did somthing real stupid 'cause i'm just that type of person-i laugh right along. It's not real embarressment if you laugh too.
*GASP!!* There's no comments here 'cept mine!!!!! This post was posted at 11 in the morning! The time now is quarter 'til 9! Where IS everyone?? Short but Sweet???, A Certain Baby??, Adam Seal???, Johnsey Erdmann???, Evan???, even any anonymouses????? Someone comment already!!!!!!
great post jillian
ops my bad i put the wrong name above
Sorry Maggie
I saw this shortly after it was posted but I couldn't think of anything to say, so I didn't.
Good post, Jillian.
I used to be really upsessed with doing things perfectly so that I didn't do something stupid, but I reaized that if people are worth being friends with then they won't care if I do something
sorry I forgot the last word :-}
why do people think certain things are embarrassing? i mean why does everyone feel awkward when someone farts, or has food in their teeth or has a hair sticking up? i mean when u think about it, its really quite happens to everyone and like Jill said its just part of being human...i mean seriously when u think about things in the long run who even cares when those things happen....u wont even remember in a week or maybe even a day....sometimes i just get upset with myself for caring about the petty little things of life what we really need to be worrying about is what we are going to do for God and HIS KINGDOM and NOT ourselves (do u really think that someday God will look down at us in heaven and go um sorry u cant come in because u were caught picking a wedgie-probably not HE loves u and u love HIm and that is what really matters)..... ok well i think this blog is more to myself than to anyone else but thanks for um listening/reading anyway............
nice blog!
nice blog!Nice information
:-) ochen\' zaebatyj blog!
Keep up the great work. It very impressive. Enjoyed the visit!
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